We are four girls reading the Lovely Bones of Alice Sebold.
We're reading it as a assignment in English.
First fifth:
We're thrown into the story.It begins at Susie Salmons end, and we get to follow her through her last days.
Almost directly you understand that this isn't going to be a happy book. Right now it feels like a criminal/fantasy/drama/horror/everykind of issues possible -book. It's a book for both adults and young adults. Our expectations are that where going to get a big picture about her background, and at the same time follow the investigation on earth. Alice Sebolt often jumps forward and past in the time.
The crucial issue is the Susie got raped and murdered, and went to a limbo-like heaven.
Susie Salmon is the storyteller. She's the first person, and she's omniscient. Susie tells the story to us, the living.When she lived on earth she appeared to be a kind, caring and naïve girl. We all reacted to her as anxious morthers, everybody almost speaking out loud to her, telling her to don't do stuff and to do stuff. She evokes a hole set of feeling in us, mostly sympath and empaty, but also a little bit of irratation.
The book takes place in Britain in the seventies.
Gossip girls
A great first discussion! But what about Susie being omniscient? Can she know exactly what other people are thinking/feeling in their minds, or does she need to interpret their actions..?
SvaraRaderaSusie being omniscient is epic omniscient. She just know everything. She feels others feelings. She knows what they are thinking. Too, she does interpret their action, but it's just to be near them; to feel more alive.
SvaraRaderaWhat a bonus you get from being dead! ;)