What do you think about the Lovely Bones?

onsdag 22 september 2010

The very last discussion of the Lovely Bones

 We think that the grammar is pretty varied. Often it's easy to understand the sentences but sometimes the author is rambling on for pages and it gets hard to follow.
Most of the book is descriptions. It's very common that someone says just one sentence and that the following minutes is about explaining and describing why this person said what he or she said. It gets you a lot of free understanding but you can also get the feeling that you just want to move on in the story. Some of us have caught themselves missing and waiting for the dialogues to come!
The Lovely Bones isn't written in an old fashion language and the characters never speak in another dialect. Despite reading isn't so simple. We feel like many words are new to us because most of them never are used in the daily life. An example is the following quote.
"Then my wildlife photographers eye saw the tripods and silver circles rimmed by wire, witch, when a young man moved them left or right bounced like of or on the baby on her blanket"
If you look on the bright side the difficult wordlist homework gets very easy to do. Read two pages and you already got ten words!
If you think about it the language seems to be a little bit too difficult and mature for a 14-year old. But at the same time her appearance in heaven may have gotten her wiser. After all she knows everything she wants to know.

fredag 17 september 2010

Lovely Bones the third fifth

After reading up on info. to your story, do you think it has given you a greater understanding of the book? 
We don't think that we've gotten a greater understanding of the book after visiting the websites, because we think that we get to know what we need to know in the book. Only Louisa think that she has got a bigger understanding of how Susie´s neighbourhood looks like. The other of us think that it is funnier to imagine her house and area ourselves.

How relevant is the time and the setting to your story? Could your story take place some other time, somewhere else?
We don't think that the time and setting matter at all. The story to take place in the 70´s, but it could have been today, in the past, or in the future. The story is about love, death, relationships, which are things that are "timless". A possible difference might be that the police would be more effective today.

Pick out relevant quotes which give evidence on your discussion. 
"But on December 6, 1973, it was snowing, and I took a shortcut through the cornfield back from the junior high." - page 6.

"The anchor houses I remember my mother calling them, because they lined the street that led into the whole development - anchored the neighbourhood to an original road built before the township was a township. The road that led to Valley Forge, to George Washington and the Revolution.



onsdag 8 september 2010

Septhember 8th

As we are reading the book we're getting to know more characters, especially more about Susies family and less about herself and Mr. Harvey (her killer).

Susie Salmon is 14 years / was 14 years old (when she was murdered). So she is dead, living in heaven. Her appearence is mousy browhaired and she's got curbs but is still thin. She is vey nice to others, caring and feeling a lot of sympahty and empathy. She is ambitious, naiv, curious and sort of the "good girl".

Her big problem, that controls her ehh... "being" (not life) is that she is dead, but wants to be alive. She just can't accept being unable to communicate to the persons she loves on earth, and thereby she can't move on from her occasional heaven. Before she was dead she went to school and in her freetime she spent time with friends and family and studied. Now that she is dead she uses her time hanging round with her new friend Holly in heaven and watching, following the people on earth, which she is quite obsessed with. Before she died she had a crush on Ray Singha, but she got murdured before their relationship had time to develope.

Now Susie is more mature and wise than she was as a living. Her family is very important to her.
But since her death we get the feeling that her father and mother have grown apart, we have some theories about that they are finding new love in other persons. But they are just theories so far.
Susies sister Linsey has also changed a lot since Susies death. She is getting older and she dosen't want to be related to her sister by others (or herself).

Relevant quotes:

"It was my one day in life of being a bad kid - of at least feigning the moves" - Susie Salmon

"Rush to the sink, I felt like saying to her, stare down the hole and look into the earth. I'm down here waiting, I'm up here watching." - Susie Salmon
Auf Wiedersehen!

onsdag 1 september 2010

First fifth of the Lovely Bones


We are four girls reading the Lovely Bones of Alice Sebold.
We're reading it as a assignment in English.

First fifth:
We're thrown into the story.It begins at Susie Salmons end, and we get to follow her through her last days.
Almost directly you understand that this isn't going to be a happy book. Right now it feels like a criminal/fantasy/drama/horror/everykind of issues possible -book. It's a book for both adults and young adults. Our expectations are that where going to get a big picture about her background, and at the same time follow the investigation on earth. Alice Sebolt often jumps forward and past in the time.

The crucial issue is the Susie got raped and murdered, and went to a limbo-like heaven.

Susie Salmon is the storyteller. She's the first person, and she's omniscient. Susie tells the story to us, the living.When she lived on earth she appeared to be a kind, caring and naïve girl. We all reacted to her as anxious morthers, everybody almost speaking out loud to her, telling her to don't do stuff and to do stuff. She evokes a hole set of feeling in us, mostly sympath and empaty, but also a little bit of irratation.

The book takes place in Britain in the seventies.

Gossip girls